Commercial Rates
Choosing a photographer or videographer to work on a project for you can be a confusing time, so many different styles, experience, and rates for work. I try and keep it simple and have created rates that work for many different business types, these are my rates for photography and videography.

Per half hour £75.00 (Ideal for press shoots or individual business portraits.)
Per half day £450 (3.5 hours)
Per full day £850 (7 hours)
All rates include post production for photography, with videography incurring a post-production charge of £50 per hour.
Retainer £1200 per month, 10 hours each month, based on a 6 month contract. If you have multiple jobs over the course of a each month then a retainer may give additional benefit and reduce your overall costs. The advantage with a retainer is that the time doesn’t start until I am an hour into each journey and ends an hour before I get back to the office, resulting in a 2 hour saving on each job. For jobs within an hours travel of Derby time starts when I arrive on site. Hours reset every month, and offers a reduced cost of £75 per hour for any time used over the 10 hours. Post production for photography is included with post production for film being charged separately, at the lower rate of £30 per hour.
Travel is always charged at fuel used rather than per mile
If you would to speak to me about a project idea i’d love to hear about it, please either call or email me 07811 144016 or email me